Thursday 2 February 2012

Evaluation Activity 4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience would be both males and females aged between 16 and 25 mainly students or part time workers. They would be working class on average about £400 a month depending on whether they are students or not. They are likely to have common interests such as watch television, shopping or going to the cinema. They are likely to enjoy horror movies in particular. There choice of music is most probably chart music and there favourite television show is likely to be the most popular shows of the time. They will watch my horror film because it is essentially and stereotypically aimed and manufactured for them.

To further understand my target audience i created a questionnaire consisting of 10 questions and handed them out to individuals in post 16. All the people who filled in the questionnaire were students aged between 16 and 18. I discovered that overall their favourite genre was horror followed closely by comedy. The majority of people who answered said they prefer to watch films at home in the dark with friends. As my horror film would have a low budget it would be likely to go straight for a dvd release the questionnaire  revealed that students prefer watching movies at home so my film is definitely targeted at them.

The demographic is mainly students but as i said also includes working class individuals or families. However this is based on averages and stereotypes it is of course possible that middle class people may watch my film and even high paid professionals who regularly take there families out to the cinema. As a more refined demographic it would be mainly teenagers aged between 16 and 19 from both sexes. This would come under the socio economic group E/D but possibly also C2.

The psychographic is the interest, views and opinions of individuals. The psychographic of my film target audience has to rate back to my demographic. Teenagers are among the most social of all age groups particularly those aged between 16 and 19 because that is about the time they start to get part time jobs and spend much of there time out and away from home. Their main interest is socialising with friends which a lot of the time includes going to the cinema or watching a movie at home. This is great news for film makers be them big or small. As long as you can successfully market your film it is likely they will go to see it or buy it on dvd. The psychographic also includes views and opinions. Teenagers know what they like so if a Horror film for example looks scary as well as realistic they are likely to go and watch it. That is why films such as 'when a stranger calls' do so well because they are both scary and incredibly plausible.

I created another questionnaire this time concerning my film. My questionnaire asked things such as does the music suit the genre? and what can be improved? I was largely happy with my results however the were some very constructiveve criticisms which i took on board and implemented in my film. I am continuing to edit at the moment and my finished film will contain all the new elements which i was advised to change.

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